Thursday, April 23, 2020

First Step For Every Marketing Techniques

What is Marketing in Business? – NextWhatBusiness

Hello Folks!!!!

If you want to learn about the marketing industry, marketing techniques or tools, Firstly you should learn the concept of marketing. Because if your base is not clear then in future the things will be much more complex.

The first thing that arises on people s' minds when they see the word "Marketing" is promotion, sales, advertisements which is partly correct. But the actual meaning of the word "Marketing" is to deliver the message or value that you are trying to deliver to your target audience in form of products or services. Remember one thing that the main aim of any marketer should be to communicate, deliver, create value to the consumer.

Now talking more into detail about marketing, It is made up of 4 elements....1. Product (Physical product or service that you provide to the customers) 2. Place (The location where you provide the product or the service i.e Shop, Showroom, Factory, etc. 3. Price (The amount that customers will pay in exchange of a product or service) 4. Promotion (It consist of a communication tool that is used to effectively get the company s' message out).

Many people think that "Marketing" is "Advertising", In fact I also had that same ideology about it. But later i found that it is totally wrong and then i did research about it and later found that its opposite is correct i.e "Advertising" is "Marketing". Because marketing is a big concept, it consists of many elements and advertising is one of them.

I hope that this information about the marketing was helpful to you and If you have any doubts regarding this concept, please let me know!!!!

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Avadh Patel

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

About My Life

Hello Folks!!!😎😎

I am starting my new journey with my new passion that i recently discovered in myself which is "Blogging". All my blogs will be mostly about the marketing world like the marketing techniques, marketing tools, Famous marketers, etc. But first and foremost, I want to introduce myself. My name is Avadh Patel, I live in Vancouver (Canada) but i was born and raised in India (Gujarat). I came to Vancouver for my further education. Currently I am completing my Bachelor s' Degree in Communication and Business from Simon Fraser University (SFU). My main aim is to spread as much as knowledge i have about the marketing to all my readers which might help them in their business or students who are targeting to enter the competitive marketing world.